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Lehydro Fluid Technology Co., Ltd. is a new science and technology enterprises, which rely on the abundant technical strength, combined with practical experience accumulated over the years, committed to the hydraulic system design and manufacture, installation, technical support and other services. Hydraulic design and production with professionals and a wealth of production experience, as the major medium-sized enterprises to undertake system design and processing business: The main manufacturers are: Sweden Hagglunds, Shanghai Electrical and Mechanical Institute, Jinan Second Machine Tool Plant, the Beijing First Machine Tool Plant, Nanjing Machine Factory, Yancheng Machine Tool Plant Hengli portfolio, such as Dongfeng Motor. It relies on strong technical strength, combined with practical experience accumulated over the years, committed to the hydraulic system design and manufacture, installation, technical support and other services. Hydraulic design and production with professionals and a wealth of production experience, as the major medium-sized enterprises to undertake system design and processing business.
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